Alexandra Collins

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Is it in the tender embrace in which the world awakens from its slumber, painting the landscape with a kaleidoscope of colors…in the way the gentle rains orchestrate a symphony on rooftops, and rivulets meander playfully down the winding streets…in which the birds return from their distant lands, their melodies like sweet lullabies, weaving dreams into the hearts of all who listen?

Or is it in the way that sunflowers stretch towards the sky, their vibrant face basking in the warm affection of the sun…in the way that fireflies ignite the night, their luminescent dance sparking the imagination of those who watch in wonder…is it in the long, hazy evenings that invite dreams and contemplation as stars twinkle like forgotten promises above?

Perhaps, it is in the trees that shed their summer attire while the leaves descend like a confetti parade, rustling beneath our feet…in the scent of cinnamon and pumpkin spice hanging in the air, welcoming the heartwarming blanket of fall…and in the way the days grow shorter while the sun casts a golden glow that bathes the world in an enchanting aura.

Or could it be in the way that frost traces delicate patterns on windows reminding us of nature’s intricate artistry…when animals don their winter coats and the world seems to slow down, as if pausing to catch its breath…in which snow-capped mountains stand tall like guardians, their majesty a testament to the raw beauty of what is to come?

I find myself yearning to know the season that sets your spirit alight. I have always struggled to find my answer to this question, as if it is on the tip of my tongue yet refrains from being set in stone. No matter what your response brings - no matter which three months we favor - the Earth refuses to stop spinning. The color of the leaves refuses to stop changing from emerald green to rustic orange. The ocean tide refuses to halt in its tracks.

You could stare at a clock until the battery runs cold, but the hands will never cease to spin. You could deploy everything within your power to never grow old, yet your wrinkles and grey hair will transcend the inevitable. You can never stop the change of seasons. Life, like the seasons of the year, will always change and bring new moments of silver and gold. 

And - contrary to societal pressure - I think that is beautiful. It is so rare, unique, and beautiful that humans are gifted with navigating life as if it were the transitioning seasons. Gifted with the awareness that the winters bring the summers…that the lows bring the highs. Life is an ethereal tapestry woven from the threads of countless experiences, each one leaving an indelible mark upon the fabric of our existence. 

From the sweet taste of our first love that lingers like a stolen kiss of sunshine to the poignant farewells that sculpt the contours of our hearts, every emotion paints vibrant hues upon the canvas of our souls. The pursuit of dreams, the triumphs over adversity, and the bonds we forge with kindred spirits create a masterpiece that defies time. Through the storms of sorrow and the glistening tears of joy, we discover our resilience and depth of our capacity to love and endure. 

In moments of solitude and reflection, we find the key to unlock the enigmatic labyrinth of our own selves. It is the serendipitous encounters, the unforeseen detours, and the magic of spontaneity that lend life its exquisite charm. Life’s kaleidoscope of experiences forms the essence of what makes our journey truly extraordinary, leaving us with a story to tell, a legacy to leave behind, and a profound appreciation for the fleeting wonder that is life. 

So, my friend, let yourself feel. Let yourself feel all of the emotions that come with the experience that is life. Find the glimmers within each and every day that leave an everlasting smile on your face. And when your eyes fill with salt-filled tears, let them stream down your cheeks. Invite the chill of winter with the reassurance that the warmth of summer is right around the corner. With the perpetual comfort that spring and fall lie within the extremes bringing profound growth and preparation for what is to come. It is so incredibly humanizing to fully understand that emotions are a beautiful thing - to know that growing up means being willing to sit in the uncomfortable, heart-wrenching periods in order to inspire appreciation for the moments that allow everything else to make sense. To know that, because you feel pain, love came first. 

Life’s journey is akin to traversing the ever-changing seasons, a symphony of transformations that mold us into who we are meant to be. In the spring of our youth, we bloom like delicate buds, full of potential and innocence, as we receive the world’s wonders with wide-eyed fascination. As we venture into the summer of our prime, we bask in the warmth of success and experience, embracing life’s vibrancy and exuberance. 

But as the autumn of maturity arrives, we gracefully shed the old, gaining wisdom from the falling leaves of memories and cherished lessons. Finally, in the winters of our lives, we find serene beauty in reflection, and the snow-cloaked days remind us that life is both fragile and resilient. Each season brings its own joys and challenges, sculpting our character and painting our souls with the colors of growth. As we dance through the seasons, we embrace the passage of time and the eternal cycle of renewal, knowing that life’s journey is a gift to be cherished. 

In the storyline of life, the true beauty lies not in shying away from emotions, but in embracing them with unyielding passion and courage. For it is in the depths of our feelings that we discover the richness of our humanity. To feel joy is to experience euphoria, to dance on the precipice of elation. To feel sorrow is to touch the tender fibers of empathy, forging connections that bind us to one another. 

Each emotion is a brushstroke on the canvas of existence, adding depth and nuance to our shared story. By immersing ourselves in the full spectrum of emotions, we become alive, vibrant, and truly whole. Through feeling to the fullest capacity, we unlock the door to the raw, exquisite beauty of being alive. It is through vulnerability, this openness to feeling, that we discover the boundless reservoir of strength that resides within us, enabling us to weather life’s storms and savor its most tender moments with equal reverence. To embrace this delicate, beautiful journey of seasons we call life.