Alexandra Collins

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Some find it as a captivated reader exploring their favorite novel. Some discover it in a movie theater watching the box-office-breaking film they couldn’t wait to experience. Others, in that one comfort show playing in the background - where every new rewatch feels like the first time watching. For me - it was in a song.

The life-changing, riveting quote that you swear was written, spoken, or conveyed solely for your ears - that forever changes your perspective on life. The monumental quote that you can’t imagine living the rest of your life without remembering.

“How rare and beautiful it is to even exist” found me nearly 8 years ago - a young freshman in high school embarking on a new journey; lost and wondering where my future was headed. Ryan O’Neal, the lyrical and musical mastermind behind Sleeping At Last, sang of pure poetry in “Saturn.” Combining the power of instrumental creativity and reassuring lyrics, I found a beautiful pair that left me utterly speechless. 

As the song continues, listeners are told “the universe was meant to be seen by [their] eyes,” a testimony to how valuable each and every one of us are to this crazy world we live in. Unknowingly at the time, these two lines would remain an anchor in my everyday life. So much so that I decided to tattoo Saturn on my skin, creating a permanent reminder of the feelings of self-love and importance I felt the first time I heard the cello pause and these lines begin.

A few months ago, my curiosity blossomed and I became invested in the history, meaning behind, and motives for writing this song. Three hours later, I found myself unimaginably deep into a rabbit hole of the complexity of “Saturn.” O’Neal is inspired by his mission to tell a story and connect with his listeners in a deep, meaningful way. His wish for this song  was to draw a parallel between the beauty of Saturn with the tune of a cello. With the first two minutes purely instrumental, it is safe to say I was on the edge of my seat filled with anticipation for what was to come.

While it has been long debated who is teaching the “courage of stars” and “explaining the infinite,” my faith has led me to believe as if I was having a conversation with my creator - God speaking His love for me and reminding me that it is no mistake how His plan has unraveled in my life. 

Hope. Comfort. Love. Three undeniable feelings this song left me with. 8 years later, these two quotes have taught me priceless lessons to carry with me for the rest of my life.

Perspective: the first lesson. I don’t know about you, but stargazing has always been a calming pastime of mine… watching in awe of the vastness of the universe. Space being a constant reminder that everything is so incredibly bigger than me. That I am one soul out of many. That my mistakes, lessons, and trials are minimal. Simultaneously, I am reminded about how special and far from coincidental it is that I am here on this earth - a part of this magnificent universe - grateful for the ability to take in such beauty. 

With life comes inevitable trials; everyone is bound to experience them and become shaped by them. However, perspective. Keeping this in mind serves to make the pain I have already and will encounter much, much smaller. After all, this universe is not only bigger than me, but it is also so much bigger than my struggles. If the stars are full of perspective, then so shall I. 

Self-compassion: the second lesson. This world we live in today tends to be extremely unkind - ridden with comparisons and misconstrued representations and expectations of perfection in all aspects of life. Navigating this new world proves to yield some difficulties. My generation has been stripped of resiliency, unable to combat the hurtful posts, comments, and texts. Instead, I have learned to make a daily, conscious decision to create my own definition of my life - free from judgement of others. Starting with speaking to myself the way God would speak to His children, followed by gentle reminders from “Saturn.” 

Let me state it again (while you read this, substitute my voice for yours): it is so incredibly rare and beyond beautiful that I exist, and when I doubt my purpose, I know that the universe was meant to be seen by my eyes. Say this with me: I am supposed to be here. The universe would not be the same without me. Grace: a concept unknown to some - yet given so freely to others - begins with me and begins with you. That one test you failed isn’t going to matter years from now when you’re excelling in your dream career. That awkward date last week will be a mere memory when you’re sipping wine with your spouse while your kids play in the backyard. We are all striving to be loved by other people, but the greatest prize is when you love yourself. Love yourself and cherish your unique existence - don’t take life so seriously. Be patient with yourself; know that you are good and that you are learning. And that you are on this Earth for a reason.

Faith: the final lesson. Faith is defined in many ways and comes in many forms personal to you. Whether you find your faith in God, in the constant support from family, or in those friends that exude soulmate energy, faith is evermore. It is inspiring and it is reassuring. It is the basis of hope and persistence. When I felt God speaking to me through the lyrics of “Saturn,” I was reminded of His steadfast love that grounds me. Guides me. From wherever your faith stems, I hope that when you find your quote, you feel it in your bones and you know it to be the truth.

As I begin to conclude this letter, I present to you a challenge: find that quote from your favorite novel, that debut movie, the background episodes that never get old. Search with intention, and when you find the quote that sends chills down your spine, never forget it. Relate it to your life in beautiful ways and keep it in the forefront of your thoughts for when it is needed. I encourage you to explore what it teaches you.

Life is rare and it is beautiful. It is the little things that end up meaning the most. It is the friendships that make the moments you were strangers feel like an entirely different lifetime. Life is knowing your family will always be in your corner. It is a gift all-too-often taken for granted. Life - your life - is all things good and true. It is no mistake. And it is created to be celebrated. Simply, life is love.