I used to be obsessed with Legos. Yes, I was the nerdy, and a little bit weird, 8 year old girl who spent her after-school hours connecting roads, assembling cars, and constructing buildings that came out of a cataloged instruction manual. While I wasn’t building extravagant spaceships or Star Wars battlestations, I cautiously ensured every white-briked house was protected by grass-lined fences and flowerful gardens - I was a sucker for curb appeal even back then. And while my tiny town buzzed and glistened with minifigures out and about, I couldn’t help but feel powerful for simulating this false reality. 

See, living in a simulation is like playing with Lego bricks on a cosmic scale. Just like those mini plastic pieces, life’s building blocks can be rearranged in countless ways. In this simulated reality, we’re all minifigures exploring the intricate connections of an otherworldly user guide. Sometimes, the universe throws us a curveball, like stepping on a Lego brick in the dark - we’ve all been there… 

And that brings me to my point. Have you ever thought that the world as we know it might just be a simulation? That we are living in a proportional snow globe with a mastermind looking in, shaking and reshaking to elicit the daily habits we practice every day? That we are someone else’s Lego minifigures in a carefully sculpted universe, mindless to our own thoughts? In a way, I’d like to believe that is true. Let me explain.

Whether you believe in a God, in a higher power, or some other all-encompassing ultimate universe, it is comforting to remember that you aren’t in control of everything 100 percent of the time. Clearly, we are not living in a simulation. Nonetheless, accepting that you are not responsible for everything is liberating. Life, my friend, is a symphony of unpredictable melodies and unexpected harmonies. We often find ourselves frequently seeking control over every aspect, desperately clutching the illusion of mastery. But what if, just for a moment, we loosen our grip and embrace the beauty of the uncontrollable?

See, throughout our lives, there exists a delicate interplay between the things we can control and those we cannot. Understanding this distinction allows us to channel our energy wisely and find a sense of balance amidst the unpredictable currents of life.

Firstly, we have control over our thoughts and our attitudes. The way we perceive and respond to the world is within our grasp. We can choose to cultivate a positive mindset, embrace gratitude, and develop resilience in the face of challenges. Our thoughts shape our reality, and by harnessing their power, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with grace. 

Similarly, our actions and our behaviors are within our realm of control. We can strive to make conscious choices aligned with our values and our aspirations. Whether it’s pursuing our passions, maintaining healthy relationships, or practicing self-care, our actions have the potential to shape our path and impact the lives of others. 

On the other hand, there are aspects of life that remain beyond our control. We cannot impact the actions, desires, or emotions of others. Their responses to us and the world around them are their own to navigate and process. Moreover, take time itself: we cannot halt its passage or rewind its hands. However, we can choose how we utilize and cherish the time we have, making the most of each precious moment. External circumstances can only ever comfortably sit in the external locus of control - meaning we have to make conscious decisions to prevent outside situations from impeding our positive mindsets. 

Imagine life as a captivating dance, where we gracefully sway to a rhythm beyond our comprehension. We may choose the steps, but the music plays on its own accord. We can meticulously plan, but the universe has its own whimsical choreography, forever surprising us with plot twists and surprise guests. When we do this, we let go of the expectation hangover that unwelcomely confronts us when we are disappointed. 

In this grand play of existence, the unpredictable becomes our greatest teacher. It reminds us to relinquish our need for absolute control and to surrender to the enchantment of uncertainty. Like a river’s current, life flows effortlessly, guiding us to unforeseen destinations, and inviting us to trust in its divine wisdom. 

Instead of resenting the uncontrollable, let’s celebrate its presence. It spices up our journey, adding zest to the mundane and depth to the extraordinary; it teaches us humility, reminding us that we are but participants in this grand existence, not its sole architects. 

So, friends, take a deep breath, and embrace the untamed wilderness of life. Be curious, be adaptable, and be open to the magic of the unknown. For then, we learn to dance in the rain, reveling in the serendipitous adventures that color our lives. It is in surrendering control that we discover true freedom, and in the unscripted moments, we find the essence of our most authentic selves.


